William Broadhurst (M)

Personal Bests

Equip Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots
Raw 210 125 240 575 365.84

Competition Results

Place Fed Date Location Competition Division Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots
2 ScottishPL 2016-08-27 Scotland Scottish Juniors Championship M-C-U23 Raw 93 93 195 205 210 115 125 225 240 -255 575 365.84
2 ScottishPL 2016-04-03 Scotland Scottish Powerlifting Universities and Colleges Championships M-C-Open Raw 93 91.8 195 205 -215 112.5 120 -125 220 -235 235 560 358.55
3 ScottishPL 2015-11-08 Scotland Junior Championship M-C-U23 Raw 93 90.6 190 200 210 110 -117.5 117.5 220 -235 -240 547.5 352.84
4 ScottishPL 2015-04-12 Scotland Universities and College Championships M-C-U18 Raw 93 91 180 -192.5 -192.5 112.5 117.5 -122.5 215 232.5 -240 530 340.81
1 ScottishPL 2015-02-15 Scotland Southern Open M-C-U20 Raw 93 92.2 170 180 190 -110 115 -120 215 230 -240 535 341.82
DQ ScottishPL 2014-06-08 Scotland Unequipped Championship M-C-U20 Raw 93 91.8 160 170 -180 -105 110 115 -215 -215
1 BDFPA 2014-01-14 Scotland Scottish Open M-T3 Raw 90 87.9 140 -155 160 100 105 -112.5 185 205 -210 470 307.60