Ted Byrne (M)

Personal Bests

Equip Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots
Raw 330.7 192.9 457.4 967.8 350.42
Single 308.6 187.4 440.9 925.9 330.38

Competition Results

Place Fed Date Location Competition Division Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots
1 USAPL 2024-05-25 England English Cup and Bench Press Finals MR-M4 72~ Raw 132 130.7 -231.5 -231.5 231.5 143.3 154.3 -165.3 374.8 407.8 -440.9 793.6 306.81
1 USAPL 2023-11-25 England EuroTour Round 1 - The Inauguration MR-M4 72 Raw 132 130.3 242.5 264.5 275.5 148.8 -159.8 159.8 352.7 385.8 418.8 854.3 331.18
1 BDFPA 2023-03-18 UK National Single Lift Championships M-M7 71 Raw 148 139.5 374.8 402.3 418.8 418.8 153.66
1 EPA 2021-11-13 UK Four Counties Championships MR-M4 70 Raw 145 136.7 242.5 264.5 286.6 154.3 165.3 -170.8 352.7 374.8 396.8 848.7 316.47
1 BP 2021-07-24 England British Classic Masters Powerlifting Championships MR-M4 69~ Raw 130 127.2 242.5 -264.5 -281.1 143.3 154.3 -165.3 363.7 396.8 408.9 805.8 318.76
1 EPF 2020-03-09 France European Masters Classic Powerlifting Championships Masters 3 68 Raw 130 128.6 -264.5 -264.5 264.5 143.3 154.3 165.3 352.7 385.8 -421 815.7 319.63
1 BP 2019-10-26 UK British Masters Classic Powerlifting Championships M-C-M3 68 Raw 130 128.9 -264.5 264.5 281.1 154.3 165.3 170.8 352.7 374.8 396.8 848.7 331.87
1 EPA 2019-04-27 England North Midlands Spring Championships M-C-M3 67~ Raw 130 129.8 242.5 264.5 282.2 154.3 165.3 -176.3 330.7 363.7 399 846.5 329.12
1 EPA 2018-11-17 England North Midlands Four Counties Championships M-C-M3 67 Raw 130 128.9 242.5 264.5 281.1 154.3 165.3 -179.6 -330.7 358.2 396.8 843.2 329.72
1 EPA 2018-08-04 England North Midlands Summer Divisional M-C-M3 66~ Raw 145 138.6 242.5 264.5 275.5 165.3 170.8 176.3 308.6 374.8 413.3 865.3 319.00
1 BP 2017-12-09 UK British Masters Classic Qualifier M-C-M3 66 Raw 145 141.3 275.5 292.1 308.6 170.8 181.8 187.4 374.8 -418.8 -418.8 870.8 316.38
1 EPA 2017-04-18 England NM Spring Championships M-C-M3 65~ Raw 145 143.7 286.6 308.6 330.7 176.3 187.4 192.9 396.8 418.8 444.2 967.8 347.11
1 EPA 2016-11-26 England All Midlands Masters Classic Cup M-C-M3 65 Raw 145 143.5 275.5 292.1 308.6 176.3 -187.4 -187.4 396.8 418.8 -440.9 903.9 324.56
1 EPA 2016-07-16 England North Midlands Classic M-C-M3 64~ Raw 145 141.3 286.6 308.6 319.6 176.3 187.4 -192.9 396.8 429.9 457.4 964.5 350.42
1 BP 2016-03-19 UK British Classic Masters Powerlifting Championships M-C-M3 64~ Raw 145 142.6 264.5 297.6 -326.2 176.3 -187.4 187.4 418.8 429.9 -454.1 914.9 330.05
3 IPF 2015-06-05 Finland World Classic Powerlifting Championships Masters 3 63~ Raw 145 143.4 286.6 308.6 325.1 176.3 187.4 -198.4 396.8 429.9 -468.4 942.4 338.53
1 BP 2015-03-07 UK British Classic Masters M-C-M3 63 Raw 145 143.9 286.6 308.6 325.1 176.3 187.4 -198.4 396.8 442 453 965.6 345.92
1 EPA 2014-11-01 England North Midlands Divisional M-C-Open 63 Raw 145 143 264.5 -292.1 316.3 176.3 187.4 -194 385.8 889.5 320.15
1 EPA 2014-06-14 England North Midlands Divisional M-C-Open 62~ Raw 145 141.3 275.5 297.6 -319.6 165.3 181.8 192.9 352.7 396.8 440.9 931.4 338.40
1 BP 2014-03-15 UK British Classic Masters Powerlifting Championships M-C-M3 62 Raw 145 142.4 275.5 297.6 -317.4 176.3 187.4 -192.9 385.8 407.8 429.9 914.9 330.43
1 EPA 2013-11-30 England North Midlands Divisional M-C-Open 62 Raw 145 141.9 275.5 -315.2 315.2 176.3 187.4 -192.9 385.8 402.3 427.7 930.3 336.80
1 EPA 2012-07-08 England North Midlands Divisional M-E-Open 60~ Single 145 144.1 253.5 281.1 -286.6 187.4 -198.4 -198.4 385.8 419.9 424.4 892.8 319.49
1 BP 2012-06-01 UK British Classic Championships M-C-M3 60~ Raw 145 143 253.5 -270 270 181.8 -192.9 385.8 402.3 -425.5 854.3 307.46
1 EPA 2012-02-19 England North Midlands Divisional M-C-M3 60 Raw 145 143.9 253.5 -264.5 264.5 181.8 -198.4 -198.4 363.7 -396.8 810.2 290.24
1 CommonwealthPF 2011-12-16 England Commonwealth Powerlifting Championships Masters 3 60 Single 145 142.2 286.6 308.6 -330.7 181.8 -220.4 -220.4 385.8 418.8 -451.9 909.4 328.83
1 EPA 2011-10-08 England All England Powerlifting Championships M-E-M3 60 Single 145 144.7 264.5 286.6 308.6 176.3 -198.4 -198.4 385.8 424.4 440.9 925.9 330.38
1 EPA 2011-07-24 England North Midlands Unequipped Championships M-C-Open 59~ Raw 145 143.7 231.5 242.5 264.5 181.8 192.9 -198.4 363.7 396.8 418.8 876.3 314.30
1 BP 2011-02-11 UK British Bench Press Championships M-E-M3 59 Single 145 143.9 -176.3 176.3 -198.4 176.3 63.18
1 WDFPF 2010-10-01 Malta European Single Lift Championships M-M4 59 Single 148 145.2 400.1 400.1 142.37
1 BDFPA 2010-03-06 England British Single Lift Championships M-M4 58 Raw 148 146.1 380.3 380.3 134.71
1 BDFPA 2010-03-06 England British Single Lift Championships M-M4 58 Raw 148 146.1 176.3 176.3 62.47
DQ BDFPA 2010-03-06 England British Single Lift Championships M-M4 58 Single 148 146.1
1 WDFPF 2009-09-11 UK World Single Lift Championships M-M4 58 Single 148 143.7 399 399 143.11
1 WDFPF 2008-10-12 Belgium World Single Event Championships M-M4 57 Raw 148 147 308.6 330.7 352.7 352.7 124.39
1 WDFPF 2008-10-12 Belgium World Single Event Championships M-M4 57 Raw 148 146.4 154.3 -181.8 -181.8 154.3 54.60