Kevin Cotter (M)

Personal Bests

Equip Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots
Raw 140.6 240.4
Wraps 165.5 546.5 354.02

Competition Results

Place Fed Date Location Competition Division Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots
1 APA 2018-12-08 USA-AR Rocky Memorial IX Veterans 43 Raw 100 99.6 124.7 -133.8 124.7 76.91
1 SPF 2018-04-07 USA-AR Battle of the Psychos Masters 40-44 42~ Raw 100 96.8 229 229 143.04
1 APA 2011-02-11 USA-AR Arkansas-Missouri Border Duel Submasters 33-39 35 Wraps 90 89.7 165.5 140.6 240.4 546.5 354.02