Keen That Thammathataree (M)

Personal Bests

Equip Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots
Raw 202.5 125 222.5 550 400.85

Competition Results

Place Fed Date Location Competition Division Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots
2 ScottishPL 2016-06-04 Scotland Classic Powerlifting Championships M-C-Open Raw 74 73.2 190 202.5 -207.5 112.5 120 125 202.5 215 222.5 550 400.85
2 ScottishPL 2016-04-03 Scotland Scottish Powerlifting Universities and Colleges Championships M-C-Open Raw 74 72.6 -195 -195 195 115 122.5 -127.5 212.5 -220 -227.5 530 388.38
2 ScottishPL 2015-11-08 Scotland Junior Championship M-C-U23 Raw 74 72.8 180 190 112.5 -120 -120 180 190 202.5 505 369.38