Emilie Capuano (F)

Personal Bests

Equip Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots
Raw 259 171.9 314.1 733 349.04
Wraps 214.9 628.3 297.71

Competition Results

Place Fed Date Location Competition Division Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots
1 USPA 2024-03-30 USA-LA Tested Battle of the Belles II Open 24 Raw 148 144.6 159.8 -170.8 -170.8 159.8 76.11
3 USPA 2024-03-30 USA-LA Tested Battle of the Belles II Open 24 Raw 148 144.6 242.5 259 -270 159.8 -170.8 -170.8 297.6 314.1 -325.1 733 349.04
1 USPA 2023-11-18 USA-LA Drug Tested Battle Born Championships Volume 2 Juniors 20-23 23 Raw 148 146.1 154.3 159.8 165.3 171.9 165.3 78.24
2 USPA 2023-11-18 USA-LA Drug Tested Battle Born Championships Volume 2 Open 23 Raw 148 146.1 154.3 159.8 165.3 171.9 165.3 78.24
2 USPA 2023-07-13 USA-LA National Championships Juniors 20-23 23 Raw 148 146.4 237 248 -259 154.3 165.3 -170.8 281.1 297.6 308.6 722 341.35
1 USPA 2023-03-25 USA-LA Drug Tested Battle of the Belles Juniors 20-23 23 Raw 148 145.7 225.9 237 -248 143.3 154.3 -165.3 270 286.6 -303.1 677.9 321.36
1 APF 2022-12-03 USA-TX Lifting Spirits Annual Invitational F_JCR_APF 22 Wraps 148 145.8 198.4 214.9 -225.9 126.7 137.8 143.3 248 259 270 628.3 297.71
3 USAPL 2022-10-15 USA-LA Calcasieu Cup FR-O 22 Raw 146.4 187.4 198.4 209.4 121.2 126.7 132.2 220.4 237 253.5 595.2 281.42